Using AI in Grounded Theory research – a proposed framework for a ChatGPT-based research assistant


The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential application of ChatGPT in relation to grounded theory. Our focus is building a case as to its usefulness to support the research process as an assistant to the researcher, rather than to replace the intellectual rigour needed to conduct credible grounded theory research. To aid this, we present a framework for using ChatGPT to assist researchers’ decision making and analysis. By structuring the analytical process into clear research phases – from initial coding through to visualisation and expansion – and providing specific prompts and instructions for each phase, the framework enables researchers to systematically harness AI capabilities whilst maintaining the methodological rigour and accountability of the researcher in leading this process. We argue that the framework’s strength lies in its careful alignment with established grounded theory processes, particularly in its emphasis on constant comparison throughout all analytical phases. As many grounded theory methods are employed in other qualitative research designs, we argue that the proposed framework may have potential for use in a broad range of designs, however, we also suggest that this is the start of new conversations about how researchers can harness AI to assist their decision making and intellectual work, processes which can never be fully replaced.